Borg & Overström Mains Feed Water Cooler

£580.00 (Excluding Tax)

Borg & Overström Water Cooler

SKU: Borg CC FS.

Product Description

This water cooler is now well established as a market favourite, the Borg & Overstrom Classic water coolers offer the best direct chilling point-of-use technology. Feeding mains water through a retro-fitted filter system into hot or cold reservoirs, filtered water as cold and ambient, or cold and hot. This water cooler cooler also gives you an optional Conversion kit to turn it into a Bottled water Cooler.  Installation  Filter kits available £85.00

  • Cooled Water With Hot or Ambient Option
  • Stylish Design and Robust Construction
  • Easy to use and simple to maintain
  • BREEAM Compliant
  • Direct Chill Water Cooling System
  • Includes Complete Fitting Kit and Filter

Additional Information

Cooler Type
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